Step 1:
Choose your
Homesite & Floorplan
Step 2:
Obtain Mortage Pre-Approval with W & W Preferred Lenders
Step 3:
Write Purchase
Step 4:
Complete Mortage Application
Step 5:
Plan Review Design Center Selection Appointment
Step 6:
Building Permit Recieved
Step 7:
Step 8:
Construction Begins
Step 9:
Meet Onsite Q&A Visit
Step 10:
Drywall, Cabinets, Interior trim
Step 11:
Meet Onsite: Q&A Visit after first paint is completed
Step 12:
Grading Lot to Prepare for driveway & Landscape
Step 13:
Utilities connected, Mechanical Start-Ups Compelte
Step 14:
Communications between seller and Lender to Schedule the Appraiser
Step 15:
Step 16:
Hiring a Home Inspector?
Step 17:
Punch List
Walk Through
Step 18:
Final Walk Through and Closing Day
Continuing a policy of constant research and improvement, Willie and Willie reserves the right of the price, plan, or specification change without notice or prior obligation.